Saturday, August 31, 2019

Elementary Education Essay

Thesis: Elementary teachers may not have highest income, but they have one of the most fulfilling careers. Introduction: When thinking back to elementary school, what most people remember the best, are the teachers they had along the way. Elementary teachers not only introduce their students to the basic concepts of core subjects, they also help pave the path to each student’s future success. While the income may not be the highest available, watching students develop a new skill or grow an appreciation for learning can be very rewarding. I. What is the role of an elementary school teacher? a. Elementary teachers play an important part in not only the intellectual development but also the social development of their students. What students learn at a young age can affect the way they see themselves, others, and the world later in life. b. Elementary teachers have the responsibility of introducing their students to the core subjects of mathematics, language, science, and social studies. II. Education, Training, and Certification c. The normal route to becoming a teacher involves receiving a bachelor’s degree from a teacher education program, then obtaining a license. Teachers in private schools are not required to be licensed. d. Each state honors its own individual certifications. However, The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards offers a voluntary national certification, which is also honored by each state. Having a National Boards certification usually results in a higher income. III. Salary and Employment e. Teaching salaries vary by state, experience level, and location. f. Elementary teachers hold about 1. 5 million jobs. Employment is projected to grow about as fast as average, increasing 7-13% from 2008 to 2018. Elementary Education: Shaping the Minds of the Future When thinking back to elementary school, what most people remember the best, are the teachers they had along the way. Elementary teachers not only introduce their students to the basic concepts of core subjects, they also help pave the path to each student’s future success. Education to become a teacher is long and tedious, and while the income may not be the highest available, watching students develop a new skill or grow an appreciation for learning can be very rewarding. Because there will always be a need for education, even with the recent budget cuts, teaching jobs will always have to be available somewhere. Elementary teachers play an important part in the intellectual development as well as the social development of their students. The education of young children can affect the way they view themselves, other people, and the world, and their success throughout life. Usually, one elementary teacher will teach several subjects to one class, of about 20 students. However, some will work in teams with other teachers, depending on the type of school (â€Å"Career Information: Elementary School Teachers. †). Teachers are faced with the responsibility of nurturing their students as well as their education. In the early years of elementary school, teachers introduce their students to the concepts of reading, writing, and counting. In the later years of elementary, teachers have the task of introducing the concepts of mathematics, language, science, and social studies. Teachers also have multiple behind-the-scenes duties. Teachers have the duty of creating daily lesson plans based on state requirements, assigning homework and making tests. They must keep records of grades made on homework assignments and tests. Teachers develop the materials that help students learn solving and reasoning. They also meet with parents of their students to discuss progress, lack of progress, and any discipline problems that may be occurring (â€Å"Elementary School Teachers. â€Å"). The traditional education route to becoming an elementary teacher involves earning a bachelor’s degree from a teacher education program, and then earning a license. A teacher’s education program normally includes courses such as the general mathematics, physical science, social science, music, art, and literature, as well as prescribed professional education courses, such as psychology of learning, and teaching methods. Normally, 4-year school schools require students to wait until their sophomore year before applying for admission to teacher education programs. Teacher education programs also require students to perform a student-teaching internship. It is not required to graduate from an accredited teacher education program to become a teacher, but it will make fulfilling license requirements easier. After receiving a bachelor’s degree, one should obtain a license from a teacher education program. The State Board of Education or a licensure advisory committee grants licensure. Teachers earn their degree in five different categories: the early childhood grades (preschool through third grade), the elementary grades (grades one through six or eight), the middle grades (grade five through eight), a specific secondary subject, or a special subject, such as music. Teaching in private schools does not require a license. The requirements for regular licenses vary by state. Each state individually issues and honors their teaching licenses. However, The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards offers a national certification. All 50 states honor this certification, and in some cases, teachers will receive special benefits for this certification. These benefits can include higher salaries, and reimbursement for continuing education and certification fees (â€Å"Teachers – Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle, and Secondary. â€Å"). The salaries of teachers can vary by school location, teacher experience, and level of education. Public school teachers in elementary schools earn an average of $47,602. Private school teachers earn anywhere between $43,580 and $48,690. However, there are a few ways to increase a salary. Teachers have the option to teach summer school, sponsor or coach extra-curricular activities, or take on other extra duties at the school. Despite being on the lower end of income, teachers do have a non-monetary compensation of fulfillment, while watching their students develop new skills and learn new concepts (â€Å"Teacher Career Salary Expectations. †). Elementary teachers hold around 1. 5 million jobs. As well as affecting a teacher’s salary, the subjects and grade levels one is capable of teaching, and location can affect job opportunities. Jobs in inner cities and rural areas will be easier to find compared to the suburban districts. Minority teachers will be in higher demand because of an increase in minority enrollment, and the lack of minority teachers. Due to a greater public interest in education as well as better pay prospects, the supply of teachers is expected to grow, and employment is expected to grow as fast as average, increasing 7-13%, in the next six years (â€Å"Career Information: Elementary School Teachers. †). Teachers will always be able to find jobs due to the fact that there will always be a demand for learning. Elementary teachers make a huge impact on the lives of young children. Some teachers are remembered as role models; some are remembered as more of a parental figure, and some may just provide fond memories. Either way, they are an important part of each student’s life. They help their students develop important skills that will lead them to success in their future. Works Cited â€Å"Career Information: Elementary School Teachers. † Campus Explorer. 2012. Web. 15 Jan. 2012. . â€Å"Elementary School Teachers. † Oklahoma Career Information Center. 2011. Web. 12 Jan. 2012. . â€Å"Teachers – Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle, and Secondary. † U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 17 Dec. 2009. Web. 12 Jan. 2012. . â€Å"Teaching Career Salary Expectations. † EduDecisions. com. Web. 12 Jan. 2012. .

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